Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Laura Mercier Shimmer Bloc

I have always wanted to share some of my favorite things on Facebook, but I dont want to a) look like I'm working for a cosmetic company, b) annoy people who could care less and c) post too much.  I already post way too many pictures of my kids, but I can't help it!!  This is another reason I wanted to blog.  I can post whatever I'd like here and you can either read it or not... hopefully someone will enjoy my finds though.  I will only post about items that I have tried over and over again and have worked for me (or someone close to me).
Here goes nothing!
Product #1!
My girlfriends who were unable to attend my birthday in Vegas all got together and sent me a gift card to Aria (the hotel).  The totally spoiled me!  First stop?  Make-up counter! 
That's when I discovered Laura Mercier... le sigh... and this beauty:
The Laura Mercier Shimmer Bloc is beautiful.  At first I was intimidated, but now I'm in love. 
I start with my regular powder and blush (Nars Orgasm) and then swirl my brush around the bloc and use it as a highlight on my cheekbones.  If I'm going out, I'll highlight other areas as well.
The Shimmer Bloc makes me feel like I have a summer glow... even when I've only had 4 hours of sleep and I just ran 4 miles.  You can play around with the colors and location of highlight.  I have olive skin tone and the Peach Mosaic works best for me.
It retails for $40.00 at Sephora
One complaint - It's soft and delicate.  If you throw your purse around, do not keep it there.  It WILL shatter and you WILL cry.

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