Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Chicago Marathon Training: Week 15

This was not my best week of training.
It was mentally draining and has made me very nervous about the upcoming marathon.
I ran every day of the week - 3, 4, 3, 3, 3.
Yes, I know I need to add more miles in there, but I just dont have the time or energy.
I get up at 0545 to run and then it's off to work.  The rest of the day is non-stop until my eyes close.

Since this was "rest week" and I was only scheduled for 12, I signed up to do the
Navy Air Force Half Marathon in DC.
I was pumped.  A little nervous for some reason, but pumped.
The weather was gorgeous and my family was going to greet me at the finish line.
I started off a little fast, but I was feeling good.
By mile 6, I started the "countdown".
I was tired.
I wanted it to end.  My thoughts were full of "20 more??"
I finished strong... but I was done.
How will I double that?
I'm beyond nervous and I can't wait for this to be over.

Finish time - 1:45:40 (7:58 pace)

Here's a snapshot of the girls I road to the race with!
Here I am crossing that finish line!
And the best part... my family... trucked all the way to DC in the early morning to see mommy!

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