Monday, September 29, 2014

Chicago Marathon Training: Week 16 & 17

I've been off the grid for a while.  I'll explain why in my next post.

I can't believe I am less than 2 weeks away.
My stomach is in knots and every time I hear the word "Chicago", I cringe.
Here's the thing - I know I will finish.  
I'm just so nervous on how it will feel and how I will feel afterwards.
That's the worst part.

Week 16
Week 16 gave me anxiety.
I had already done 19, but I did it on the treadmill.  I knew I needed to do this one outside.
However, we had a wedding to go to on Saturday and I REALLY didn't want to feel like crap all day.
So, I decided to take a half day on Friday and get it done at lunch.
I knew it would suck, but I would be SO HAPPY once it was over.
I got home around 1145 and was on the road at 1200.
I ran all over the place.
My biggest goal - AVOID HILLS.  Virginia hills kill me.  Like, really kill.
So I ran and ran and ran... until I was literally... BORED.
I was so bored that at mile 12, I bit it - skinned knee and palms.  Awesome.  Embarrassing.
So I convinced myself to stop at 17 and run 3 more inside.
I went inside and straight downstairs, but the difference b/w road and treadmill was more than I even imagine... I just couldn't get my legs to move.
I pushed through 2 miles and then just stopped.  Boom.
19 miles and done.
I was happy.
I survived.
Long run done... time to party.

Week 17
Week 17 went great.  I ran a lot this week.
This week sucked emotionally, so running was my escape.
I ran almost every day... ending with an easy 12 on Saturday morning.
I was up so early that I actually had to wait for the sun to show a little more before I ventured out.
It was a beautiful morning.
I ran in memory of my friend and her unborn son who were tragically killed a week prior.
This day was their funeral.
So tragic.  So awful.

2 more weeks... OMG.

Today I am shopping for new shorts, Quest bars and my race day fuel.
(stomach turning)

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