I can't believe this week finally arrived (and is done).
I remember looking at the training plan and thinking... "omg, 18 miles"
The farthest training run I've ever done is 17, but that marathon was painful, so hopefully my dedication and long runs will pay off.
I know it will still be tough, but fingers crossed that it will be less miserable than last time.
This week was filled with a few obstacles.
Obstacles like the flu, pneumonia and the stomach bug.
My husband was out for the count almost all week and my kids caught "a form" of what he had that turned out to be a nasty stomach bug... poor things!
I ended up getting my week runs in, but as I prepared for my long run on Friday night, I knew it was going to be a toss up. I ended up taking care of two sick babies and forgoing the long run.
It's tough. You mentally gear up for quite a challenging event and then to "let it go" is really hard.... especially when you KNOW you have to get it in soon.
We had one sick little person Saturday night, but he only woke up once and went back down quickly.
I set my alarm for 0600 and was on the treadmill at 0630... done by 0900.
I am completely smitten with the treadmill.
I watched 3 shows and before I knew it, it was over.
I had my large water bottle and Gu positioned in front of me and was able to stop and stretch my arch a few times without struggling to start up again. That's one think I love about the treadmill... you must go at whatever speed is on deck. I continuously run at 6.5 the entire time.
Fingers crossed that my Nike+ is accurate b/c it is faster than the treadmill.
This was my week:
Proud moments:
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